Seed - Mint Applemint


1 RHS Mint Applemint seed pack 

(Botanical Name: Mentha suaveolen)

Pack Size 500 seeds


A hardy perennial that can be grown in pots. These highly productive, large and vigorous plants are wonderful for the home garden. The unique mild fruity flavour is a delicious twist on classic mint. Use the fresh leaves in sauces, juices, jellies and chopped in salads.

How to Grow:

Sow on the soil surface and cover the seed with fine layer of soil or vermiculite. Keep soil moist. Thin seedlings out to 30cm (12in) apart as required. Sow indoors all year round as a windowsill herb using good quality potting mix. Keep well-watered.

When to Sow/Plant Seed:

Spring through Autumn


As required

Soil Type:





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